
Website Policy

This website( is managed and the information on it is provided by TOZEN Corporation (hereafter “the Company”).


All rights related to contents made publicly available on this website, including text, images, illustrations, videos, and programs etc. (hereafter collectively referred to as “content”) belong to the Company.
All unauthorized usage or reproduction of the content on this website is strictly prohibited.


All rights related to the trademarks, logos, and trading names on this website belong to the Company.
Except where permitted as rights under the Trademark Act and other laws, unauthorized usage without appropriate authority is prohibited.


Although our every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.
In addition, we shall not be liable for any damages, regardless of the reason, arising from the use of the information on this website or from the downloading data from this website.
We reserve the right to change or delete information on this website at any time without notice.

Handling of personal information

Please see here regarding the handling of personal information